Offerings For Grassroots Forest School Community
A special offering for Grassroots Forest School community, parents, children, mentors and crew.
Connection, Learning, Healing, Community, Parenting & Nature
Jorge offers 4 slots of 2 hours a week dedicated to service the Grassroots Forest School community with the spaces listed below, pay what you want.
Dates and times spots:
1. Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30pm
2. Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:45pm
3. Thursday, from 5 to 7pm
4. Thursday from 7:15 to 9:15pm
1-on-1 Holding Space
Jorge holds space for listening, emotional healing processes, shadow work, Possibility Coaching, and being to being appreciation.
Feelings Coaching
Jorge holds a safe specific space for feeling, coaching you to get out of your head (logic, reasons, stories) and feel (anger, sadness, fear, joy).
Couples Possibility Coaching
Holding space and navigating the difficult terrain of relating, authentic relating, and the evolution of love in couples, from a lens of Love and Possibility.
1-on-1 Being-With Children
1-on-1 spaces are one of the most nourishing times in terms of connection, being seen, heard and acknowledged. Unfortunately a lot of parents have a busy schedule and have very few people they can trust with their children.
Jorge offers a 1-on-1 high quality time with your child from 1 to 2 hours, with no agenda, just being-with (connecting, relating, listening, learning, flowing, playing, feeling, walking, etc).
Friction Firemaking Coaching
Upgrade your survival ancestral skills with the skill of making fire from friction. This skill unlocks a bunch of stuff that is locked in your DNA that grants access to a big part of the natural man or woman within you.
This space is dedicated to initiating you into the art of friction firemaking at whatever level you're at.
About Jorge Pedret
Jorge is a natural man, father of 3 and partner, who holds space for feelings work and transformational spaces that aim to initiate you into the next level of responsibility that you can take.
Jorge has been training with teams, online and in-person, in the field of holding space for the last 2 years, with the purpose of experimenting, playing, healing, learning, growing and holding space for creating regenerative cultures that give back to the Earth.
Jorge's practices emerge from the principles of Love, Relating, Feeling, Communication, Initiation, and Radical Responsibility, reclaiming your authority to become centered, grounded and present.
For questions and bookings fill out the registration sheet or message jorgepedret@gmail.com or +1-778-350-3330.
Jorge Pedret Copyleft 2021 International Creative Commons.
Empowered by Possibility Management.